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Stelly's Daily Buzz - February 26, 2025

Stelly's Daily Buzz - February 26, 2025


Wednesday, February 26th, 2025

Cafeteria Menu



It is so great to see so many pink shirts in the school today, showing our collective and your commitment to taking a stand on bullying! Stelly’s Leadership students will host Acts of Kindness bingo all week to recognize Pink Shirt Day today as a fun activity to advocate for inclusivity and kindness - get involved! You may have also noticed the heart display in the main foyer, sharing words of encouragement and kindness. Stop by to see the amazing display created by students.

Friday is teacher-student swap day - students dress like teachers, and teachers dress like students. Join in on the fun!

The Learning Commons has a display of books to celebrate Black History month. To learn more, please visit the Learning Commons!


Tonight at 7:30pm we will have the livestream of the Sr Girls Basketball Team's first game at Provincials on the projector in the Theatre! Come out and show some support and cheer our stingers on!

Jr and Sr girls soccer tryouts will be Thursday after school at Centennial Park

Any junior boys interested in playing rugby, there will be a tryout today after school today on the back field.

There will be a meeting on Thursday at lunch in Ms. Miller's room, 24, for any students interested in joining the tennis team.

Are you interested in road biking and cycling? Whether you're just starting out or already an experienced rider, the Cycling Club is for you! Learn essential bike maintenance and repair skills, connect with other riders, and maybe even join group rides. Our first meeting is this Friday at lunch in Room 10—come check it out!

There will be a meeting for students interested in Track and Field in Mr. Loenen's classroom (19) at lunch on Friday, February 28

If you're interested in trying out for the Stelly's Golf team, there will be a meeting, this Friday at Lunch in the Big gym at 11:30

To keep up to date on all things athletics, please see the Stelly’s Athletics webpage ( or follow us on Instagram (@sd63stellys and @stellys_athletics)



February 26 - Pink Shirt Day


February 28 - 2025/26 Course Selection Forms are due (please hand in to your block 1 teacher)


March 5 - Spring Coffee Concert


March 11 - Stelly’s Sting - Spirit Rally (Block X Schedule)


March 11 - PAC Meeting at 6:30pm in the Cultural Room (in person or virtual)


March 17 - 28 - Spring Break


GRAD 2025

Parents and community members, here is another opportunity to support the 2025 Grads! Come out to the meat draw on Saturday March 1st at Brewsky’s Taphouse in Brentwood! From 2-4pm, come out and enjoy some food and then purchase your tickets for the meat draws and 50/50. It’s a fun afternoon out while supporting the After Grad Parents in their fundraising efforts!

SCRAP METAL RECYCLING: There’s a large blue metal recycling bin in the upper parking lot by the street that is awaiting your scrap metal donations. If you have any metal stuff at home, in your yard or in the shed that you want to get rid of, it’s accessible 24/7 for drop-off and proceeds go towards the 2025 Stelly’s Dry Grad!


Are you interested in a career in healthcare? Step Up Youth is coming to the Career Centre today @ lunchtime to talk about volunteer opportunities through Island Health.

Strengthening Connections – A group of Indigenous recruiters from across the province- is coming Thursday, February 27 @ lunchtime to the Learning Commons to talk to students about their path to post-secondary.

DND is coming to the Career Centre Wednesday, March 12 @ lunchtime to talk to students about their paid summer work experience program (FSWEP). Students will be working in unique trades to support the naval fleet.
If you are interested in this program, please come to the Career Centre for an application form. 

The Sidney Employment Expo 2025 will be held at the Mary Winspear Centre on Wednesday, March 12 from 2-5pm. You will have a chance to connect with over 30 local employers offering a wide range of positions. Click here for more information.

For all things careers, check the Career Board or the Career Ed website linked HEREThere are lots of job and volunteer opportunities available - go check it out!


Just a reminder to parents that we ask if your student will be absent or late, please email (and CC the appropriate teachers, if possible) or phone in to 250-652-4401 and select option 1. Please note that student attendance is recorded as excused if we receive communication from a parent/guardian, not when a student signs out during the day, unless we’ve heard from you.

  Stay Golden . . . and Maroon!