Stelly's Daily Buzz - February 19, 2025
Wednesday, February 19th, 2025
Semester 1 Learning Updates (previously known as report cards) are now available on Brightspace. Please access Brightspace's parent portal here.
If you missed your course selection visit with admin and counsellors last week, please see the website for information: as well as the slideshows and all course information. And to any student who has a block 1 spare, please go to the Learning Commons to pick up your course selection form.
Stelly's Black History Month events continue this week with Spirit Days. On Wednesday, everyone wears Red. On Thursday, everyone wears Green. On Friday, everyone wears Black. This information will be posted on the Diversity board outside the LC (library). Also, one more prize remains to be won in the Black History Month scavenger hunt - you can pick up your scavenger hunt entry form from the front office.
Attention Stelly’s Stingers, do you like to act, dance or sing? Sign up for the March coffee concert - taking place on Wednesday, March 5th! Sign up sheet is located outside the band room, and in person auditions will be hosted on February 19th and 21st. We hope to see you there!
The Learning Commons has a display of books to celebrate Black History month. To learn more, please visit the Learning Commons!
Are you a student who drives a vehicle to school? If so, your vehicle needs to be registered to park in the parking lot. Forms are available in the main office, and must be completed and returned for a windshield decal which must be displayed. You are not permitted to park in any spot marked ‘Reserved’ or ‘Visitor’ at any time.
Congratulations to the Senior Girls Basketball team who placed third at Islands this past weekend, earning a spot at Provincials! Way to go Stingers!
There will be a Junior AND Senior girls soccer meeting this THURSDAY, February 20th in the large gym at the start of lunch. If you are interested in playing on either of those teams, please make sure you are there! Check out Stelly’s Athletics on Instagram for more information!
Anyone interested in playing ultimate this year please meet in the large gym Thursday February 20th at lunch. Open to all grades.
There will be a meeting for students interested in joining the Jr. Boys Rugby team on Friday at lunch in the PE classroom
To keep up to date on all things athletics, please see the Stelly’s Athletics webpage ( or follow us on Instagram (@sd63stellys and @stellys_athletics)
February 19 - Early Dismissal at 1:40pm
February 19 - Parent Course Selection Info Night (5:00 - 7:30pm)
February 21 - Mini Course Fair (during block 3 Block X at 11:45am). There will also be a grad assembly during this same block
February 22 - Grad Bottle Drive 9am - 12pm (in the Stelly’s Parking Lot, supporting the 2025 graduating class’ after grad event)
February 26 - Pink Shirt Day
February 28 - 2025/26 Course Selection Forms are due (please hand in to your block 1 teacher)
March 5 - Spring Coffee Concert
March 11 - PAC Meeting at 6:30pm in the Learning Commons
March 17 - 28 - Spring Break
GRAD 2025
Just a reminder that there is a grad assembly during block X on Friday (during the mini course fair). Grad information will be shared and handed out.
SCRAP METAL RECYCLING: There’s a large blue metal recycling bin in the upper parking lot by the street that is awaiting your scrap metal donations. If you have any metal stuff at home, in your yard or in the shed that you want to get rid of, it’s accessible 24/7 for drop-off and proceeds go towards the 2025 Stelly’s Dry Grad!
Are you interested in a career in healthcare? Step Up Youth is coming to the Career Centre Wednesday, February 26 @ lunchtime to talk about volunteer opportunities through Island Health.
Strengthening Connections – A group of Indigenous recruiters from across the province- is coming Thursday, February 27 @ lunchtime to the Learning Commons to talk to students about their path to post-secondary.
For all things careers, check the Career Board or the Career Ed website linked HERE! There are lots of job and volunteer opportunities available - go check it out!
Friday February 21- International Program Meeting and Pizza Lunch in the Learning Commons during lunch block (11:40-12:20 pm) for all international students who are not grad track. International students who are planning to graduate in Canada and/or who are graduating this year are to attend the mini-course fair.
Just a reminder to parents that we ask you that if your student will be absent or late, please email (and CC the appropriate teachers, if possible) or phone in to 250-652-4401 and select option 1. Please note that student attendance is recorded as excused if we receive communication from a parent/guardian, not when a student signs out during the day, unless we’ve heard from you.
Stay Golden . . . and Maroon!