Fill the Hive Food Drive - April 16, 2025
On April 16th, Stelly’s will be hosting our annual “Fill the Hive Food Drive.” This is a food drive for our community, where we collect non-perishable food items and/or monetary donations from houses around the Brentwood Bay, Keating, and Saanichton area. All of the donations and proceeds go to the Saanich Peninsula Lions Food Bank which distributes more than $410,000 in food each year.
We will be distributing leaflets to houses in the Brentwood Bay, Keating, and Saanichton areas about a week before the date of the food drive, in order to give households advance notice of our collection date.
If your home doesn't receive a leaflet, don't worry! There will be donation drop-off locations from 4-6pm on April 16th, at Brentwood Elementary, Keating Elementary, and the Central Saanich Municipal Hall. There will also be a drop-off location at Stelly’s Secondary for donations any time between 4-7pm.
If your home does receive a leaflet, this means that Stelly’s students will be coming by your house on Wednesday, April 16th to collect non-perishable food or monetary donations for this food drive. Please leave any donations on your front steps in the bags provided by 4pm, or at the drop off locations (times listed above).
Thank you for your support and generosity!