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Stelly's Daily Buzz - September 6, 2024

Stelly's Daily Buzz - September 6, 2024


Friday September 6th, 2024


The D&D Club is having its first meeting today at lunch in room 48 and then every Friday after that. See you there!

There's a rowing meeting in room 20 at lunch.

A message from the Learning Commons: Please remember to return all overdue textbooks to the Learning Commons as soon as possible. You will not be issued new text books if you have overdue books.  Grade nine students may return their Bayside textbooks to our Learning Commons.

There are several yearbooks from last year that students have paid for that are still waiting to be claimed. If you purchased a yearbook, please come to the office to pick it up.

School bus passes are available and distributed during students’ block 1 classes. If you’ve been away or in some way missed yours, please check in at the front office.

Are you a student who drives a vehicle to school? If so, your vehicle needs to be registered to park in the parking lot. Forms are available in the main office, and must be completed and returned for a windshield decal which must be displayed. You are not permitted to park in any spot marked ‘Reserved’ or ‘Visitor’. 

Just a reminder that the Career Centre, Foods Classroom (#58) and Textiles Classroom (#59) are under active construction and access is restricted. Please do not try to get into these rooms. There is signage directing you to a temporary space. Thank you for your cooperation.

Music Department First Classes Schedule: 

Concert Choir - Friday September 6th - Lunch Time 

Jazz Band - Monday September 9th - After School (3:15-4:30)


September 10 - PAC Meeting at 6:30pm. If you are a parent or guardian of a Stelly’s student, you are a member of the Parent Advisory Council. We will be meeting in the Learning Commons to plan our support of our students - please consider joining us!

September 12 - Early Dismissal at 2:05pm

September 12 - Welcome Back BBQ and Meet the Teacher Evening (details to follow).

September 16 - School Photo Day

September 23 - Non-Instructional Day (no school)

September 27 - Orange Shirt Day

September 30 - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (school not in session)


Junior Girls Volleyball tryouts are on again today at 2:45pm

Senior Boys Volleyball has a quick meeting at lunch in the PE Classroom


The orange course change forms are due next Thursday. If you need to change a course, you can pick up and drop off the forms in the Career Centre. 

If you're looking to volunteer and you love nature - listen up! The Greater Victoria Green Team is looking for help with invasive plant removal starting tomorrow and over the next few Saturdays. All ages and abilities welcome. Everything you need is provided. Free snacks! 

Future firefighters, if you're submitting an application for the Southern Gulf Islands Fire Camp, pick up your package in the Career Centre. They're due September 13th so act quick! 

Looking for a part time job? Need more info on the volunteer opportunity? For all things careers, check the career board in the main foyer or the SD63 Career Ed website. 

For all things careers, check the Career Board or the Career Ed website linked HERE!


Friday September 6, 2024 - Optional Meeting during Lunch Block in the Learning Commons.  Please bring your own lunch.  International staff will be available to answer any questions.

Wednesday September 11, 2024 - Mandatory Homestay Meeting during Lunch Block.  All international students must attend.  Please bring your own lunch.

  Stay Golden . . . and Maroon!